News Archive
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Jo Chambers will be speaking at the Members' Meeting tonight, 17 July, 2018, to give you more details about this new venture. read more
Well done. It was great to hear you had arrived. Enjoy the nights in the B and B you deserve them. Chris Loxley cycled approximately 1000 miles camping overnight and with no support. What an amazing achievement. He has been raising money for BUST over £600 so far. Congratulations to Chris. read more
Thank you to all you amazing people who ran, walked or sponcored others, raising money for BUST We have received £7,700 already and are expecting more. we promise that every penny will be spent carefully on equipment which will support the wonderful work which takes place in our Breastcare Unit. read more
On 16th May 2018 Vanessa Hawkins, Andrea Hall and Terry Welch, together with their driver and support member Steve Bull will start their cycling marathon from the most south westerly point in England to the most north easterly point of Scotland covering approximately 1000 miles. They will cycle approximately 70 miles each day on average - no… read more
Congratulations Ian on running the London Marathon in 3:19.01 and raising funds of £1320.00 for BUST. See below - Ian tells his story .........In June 2017, my cousin Ali found a lump in her breast while feeding her young son. Within a month, her world was turned upside down, with the confirmation that she had breast cancer. With a two year… read more