News Archive
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BUST would like say a huge thank you to Aviva Insurance Company for raising an amazing £6,109.24 for us! We were their chosen charity of the year for 2019 and raised funds through various activities. Jenny Wookey and Jackie Pask thanked everyone at Aviva for their hard work when they collected the cheque this week. The funds raised… read more
Thornbury Rotary Club is holding a swimarathon in March and has kindly chosen BUST as one of their beneficiaries with half the proceeds going to BUST. Some of the BUST committee and friends are entering a team and would very much like your support. If you would like to donate please see the link below. We would be very grateful for any… read more
It is that time of year again! You can run, walk or even crawl but please do it and support BUST. Each year people have supported us and raised an amazing amount of money which is spent on The Breast Care Unit. We are currently saving up for an MRI scanner for the Unit to reduce waiting times. Do something good for you and good for… read more
We would like to say a big Thank You to The Ian Williams Foundation who have donated £1032 to BUST. The recent Head Office Christmas raffle raised an amazing £516 which was matched by the Foundation. In January, staff at Head Office chose BUST as the lucky recipients to go towards our appeal raising funds to buy an MRI… read more
Wednesday 18th March 2020 Evening Event @ Southmead Hospital Please see the poster below giving details of the above event being held in the The Learning & Research Centre, Southmead Hospital, Bristol, BS10 5NB. Doors open at 6:30 pm for a prompt start at 7.00 pm. read more