Thank you James!
A big BUST thanks to James Hester who, starting on the 26th June, is going to ride 2100 km in 21 days imitating the Tour de France riders. So for every mile they ride, James will ride 1km to achieve his target of £5,000. This is a gruelling ride and it would be such a moral boost for James to have your support in any way you possibly can.
James’s wife Becky was diagnosed with breast cancer in May 2020 and has been having treatment throughout lockdown. James really wanted to give something back to BUST and the staff who helped him and Becky through this period. He is inviting cyclists to come and ride with him on one or more of his stages and would also like local businesses to support him by sponsoring his event.
You can find out more on his You Tube video:
James's Just Giving page has lots of info and if you are unable to support him by cycling with him you can support him in other ways by donating to his page.
Just Giving link: