Mill Crescent, Westerleigh, lights up for Christmas UPDATE *****.

How lucky are you if you live in Mill Crescent, Westerleigh!  What a brilliant bunch of people who come together each year with more enthusiasm to light up the Christmas street and raise money for charity.

Tonight the wonderful residents of Mill Crescent, Westerleigh have gathered at Ye Olde Inne  to celebrate a record-breaking year with their Christmas light display. 

For many years now all those who live in the Crescent have put together fabulous displays which have been enjoyed  by all who come to see them in December and early January.  Since 2004 the residents have decided each year to support a charity.  This year, thanks to being nominated by Maisie Goodrich who has received treatment at the Bristol Breast Care Centre, the charity was BUST.  Maisie and her twin sister Nancy, also treated at the centre, are strong supporters and often donate cakes to be served to patients at the Centre.

Maria Parker contacted the Breast Care Centre at Southmead and collected buckets, factsheet and banners  from BUST.  Friend and Mill Crescent neighbour Lisa Powell boosted takings by promoting the lights locally in the Gazette newspaper and even managing to secure the interest of the Made in Bristol TV  team who broadcast the news of the big switch on three times.  Here they are below with Breast Surgeon Consultant Simon Cawthorn, Trustee of BUST.

Left to right, Lisa Powell, Simon Cawthorn and Maria Packer.

A massive total of £3645.50 was collected during the month of Christmas lights.   This was further increased by £100 when landlord of Ye Olde Inne, Paul Herridge, donated £100 from the Christmas raffle.  Taking the total up to a record-breaking £4000 the RAOB, (Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes) donated a final £254.50.

Mr Wully Perks, licenced lay minister for the Yate Parish, which includes Westerleigh, and representative of the RAOB, presented cheques to Jan Biagioli who was also representing BUST on the night.  Jan explained the aims and targets for the charity and told the fundraisers how their hard earned money would be spent.  She also mentioned the up and coming Ball and plans for the 25th Anniversary of BUST.

Huge thanks must also go to Paul Herridge , landlord of Ye Olde Inne at Westerleigh, and his staff not only for the generous donation but also for providing a glass of bubbly for all the fundraisers to toast themselves and BUST, as well as a lovely buffet.

Left to right, Wully Perks, Jan and Paul Herridge.

Ye Olde Inne, Westerleigh. Following the presentation of cheques to BUST last night a further bucket collection was held which raised a grand total of £60.53!! Thank you landlord Paul Herridge.

Previously .....................

Mill Cresecent in Westerleigh has switched on a marvellous display of Christmas lights for the festive season.  BUST has been chosen this year as their charity because several residents have had breast cancer and used  the Bristol Breast Care Centre at Southmead Hospital.

A collection bucket is in place at the end of the road and visitors are able to walk along the street to take in the light display and make a donation if they would like to do so.

In January a presentation will be made to BUST by the residents.

donations so far


Thank you!