Coast to Coast Challenge 14 November 2015
On the 14th November 2015 Claire Bendall and Paul Titchard are taking on a 102 mile (163.20Km) cycle across Devon (Ilfracombe to Plymouth). It is our aim to complete this within one day.
They will be completing this ride in aid of the Breast Cancer Care Unit in Bristol (BUST) and Help for heroes.
Claire, explains why the couple want to take up this challenge.
"We have decided to complete this challenge because Breast Cancer has hugely impacted both of our lives and the lives of those around us, and continues to do so.
Claire's mum is a breast cancer survivor after undergoing both chemo' and radiotherapy several years ago.
In recent times a close friend of ours, at the incredibly young age of 29 has been diagnosed with breast cancer and now also faces chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Her strength, bravery and determination has truly inspired both myself and Paul to set up and complete our own challenge.
This charity has been chosen personally by this friend, who is currently undergoing treatment within the Breast Cancer Care unit at Southmead Hospital, she has described the level of care, support and treatment she has received there as outstanding and as she is due to continue treatment within this centre we hope that the vital funds raised towards this charity can serve as a show of appreciation and thanks towards the staff, treatment and services available there.
BUST as a charity have shown their dedication, passion and commitment to their patients in their unending efforts to purchase the best equipment possible for this department and the local area. Read more on BUST here:
The challenge:
This 102 mile off road course is usually completed across either 2 or 3 days depending on your level of skill, fitness and speed. We have decided to complete this in one 24 hour period to really challenge ourselves.
To see our route, and what lies ahead for our challenge click here:
Neither myself nor Paul have taken on a long distance ride before, although both of us ride short distance on a regular basis this is by no means a small challenge for either of us and intensive training has begun on both our parts. We will keep you updated with our training progress as often as possible.
On the day:
We welcome attendance at both the start and finish of the event, and potentially along the route too - We will let you know details of our refreshment points nearer the day".
More updates on the days events and their training can be found here:
If you would like to support Claire and Paul here is the link: