Carla and Alice - Brave the Head Shave!
This is an amazing story of Carla and Alice who are going to shave their heads to support their friend Sophie who is 25 years old and a patient of the Breast Centre:
"From the moment Sophie got her diagnosis, nothing has been negative or downbeat, it's only ever been positivity and strength so that is why we are trying to give back. So, what are we going to do? Shave our heads of course! On the 29th August, we are going to get the clippers out. We hope to achieve 3 things. Firstly, to show support to our incredible, strong and wonderful best friend. We are standing with her every step of the way and so she knows, if/when she loses her hair, do not worry, we are bald too! Secondly, to raise awareness......girls (and boys) please check your boobs!! And thirdly, to raise money to give something back to the absolute heroes and wonderful charity who are looking after our Soph. All of our hair will be donated to The Little Princess Trust to go on and make wigs for the little fighters during their awful time so it will not be wasted. So please, if you can, no matter how big or small, please show support and donate to this amazing charity BUST. We are also going to be arranging a raffle with lots of amazing prizes, all money raised from the raffle will be donated to BUST too. Thank you for reading. Carla and Alice"
Their Just Giving page is
Thank you so much ladies!